(stream and download – Episode 127)
Well hey, hey there Protonic Reversal devotees. Time for another episode, Steve Albini is back with us after a 106 episode break. Conan and Steve talk about:
-Steve inadvertently ruining the “perfect run” of 9 continuous guests for the 100th episode of Protonic Reversal (not out of malice)
-Winning the World Series of Poker (and why that might not be as impressive as it sounds)
-Why recording records is still satisfying.
-Fluffy coffee shop
-A story of two competing magic shops
-Thoughts on the internet equalizing things for music.
-How this helps those passionate about music as opposed to those passionate about profit.
-The hive mind as a filter.
-The internet as a discovery tool for lost art.
-Nick Drake’s mother.
-Pegboy play South America
-Streaming Services and the next logical progression of decentralization.
-“how do you stop something that doesn’t store anything?”
-Longevity in studios = flexibility
-dislike of meritocracy as a term.
-the value of record stores are the maniacs that work there
-On hating nostalgia the first time
-On the lack of appreciation of nuance and allegory in past compositions
-Specifically: Prayer to God
-Appropriation of past art and public figures for political end
-the mind opening power of punk rock
-You don’t make anything better by assuming your audience is stupid and dumbing down
-Kindred spirits with the devout.
-Making records with people who also record at home or in unorthodox ways.
-Who gets told “no”?
-Fleetwood Mac (and the like) helped create punk rock
-Overdubs and Harmonies, and how they can be life lessons.
-Who would Steve most like to record?
-Rerecording In Color by Cheap Trick
-The End of Radio is the end theme song for Protonic Reversal, the ideas behind the song.
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