At last! Kevin Rutmanis comes on Protonic Reversal, a delightful conversation with a self-identified genuine musical weirdo that is not heard from NEARLY OFTEN enough! In this episode Conan and Kevin talk about:
-Covering Night Goat in Hepa.Titus
-Boutique vinyl, human hands touch almost ever piece!
-Finding Alice Cooper (who also hated everybody)
-AM Radio inspiration and enjoyment
-Da Blues!
-Not picking up the bass until 28, he was very busy.
-The Cows, a nasty bunch of creeps that also played music.
Inspiration by other bands not being great.
-SLIDE bass!
-New generations getting into “weird” music and finding music in general.
-Cape Fear guy.
-Recording the last “Cows” record and then joining the Melvins.
-Buzz wanting the Kevin thing.
-The story of Tomahawk, Kevin’s tale. A contrast in musical approaches. (thanks Buzz!)
-the story of Hepa.Titus, from early to now.
-How great is Paul Christensen?
-The Bass V-I… Kevin R. is NOT a gear guy
-Electrical Guitar Company necks.