The one and only Billy Gould finally comes on Protonic Reversal! Billy and his coharts have an awesome new The Talking Book album. A project that evokes eno-like soundscapes as well as 70s film soundtracks. Conan and Billy talk about that, many things Faith No More and… Milk Cult?
-Talking Book II-70s film soundtracks
-9 year gap
-Structured but not structured
-“It’s not ready until it’s ready”
-Adding a member to a very subjective and subconscious enterprise
-Not the same as getting a new band member.
-Milk Cult!
-Faith No More going into new directions the audience didn’t necessarily expect
-Being known as a “rock guy.”
-Old San Francisco
-(Men of) Porn
-Playing in Jello Biafra’s band
-Faith No More reunion and complex relationships.
-Songs with problems “We fixed ’em!”
-Getting the call from Wayne Kramer to play in the MC50
-The pressure.
-Playing with Brendan Canty
-“If you do something, see it though
-Choose a journey where you don’t care about the destination.
-The many moods and styles of guitar players of Faith More.
-FNM as alchemy
-Slap bass demo tapes
-touring vs. recording
-Live shows with Talking Book
-Kool Arrow: the genre is “good”