Ep127: Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Electrical Audio Studio)

(stream and download – Episode 127) Well hey, hey there Protonic Reversal devotees. Time for another episode, Steve Albini is back with us after a 106 episode break. Conan and Steve talk about: -Steve inadvertently ruining the “perfect run” of 9 continuous guests for the 100th episode of Protonic Reversal (not out of malice) -Winning … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep127-steve-albini-shellac-big-black-electrical-audio-studio/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep127: Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Electrical Audio Studio)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep126: J.D. Pinkus (Butthole Surfers, Melvins, Honky)

(stream and download – Episode 126) It’s Jeff Pinkus of Butthole Surfers, Melvins, and Honky! It’s an episode of Protonic Reversal. What more do you need to know? ok, ok… Greetings protonic friends, time again for a thrilling new episode of Protonic Reversal. Today is Mr. J.D. Pinkus of Butthole Surfers fame, he also plays … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep126-j-d-pinkus-butthole-surfers-melvins-honky/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep126: J.D. Pinkus (Butthole Surfers, Melvins, Honky)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep125: Sam Coomes (Quasi, Jon Spencer & the HitMakers)

(stream and download – Episode 125) Howdy there, friends and well-wishers of the Protonic Reversal, and welcome to another fine program! On this episode, Conan and Josh got to chat with Sam Coomes of Quasi! We talked of so many things: Interview begins at 10:53 -recording with Jon Spencer -the Roxichord -contrasting music and lyrics … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep125-sam-coomes-quasi-jon-spencer-the-hitmakers/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep125: Sam Coomes (Quasi, Jon Spencer & the HitMakers)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep124: WORK (Joe Cannon, Kavi Laud, Jeff Brueggeman)

(stream and download – Episode 124) Josh is out this week. The band WORK returns for a Labor Day weekend tour and Protonic Reversal appearance, their new record Stricly Cruis’n is out and that means it’s time to get loose and talk about such things as: -Kavi’s move to Austin and his annoyance at traffic … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/765/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep124: WORK (Joe Cannon, Kavi Laud, Jeff Brueggeman)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep123: Toshi Kasai (Engineer and Producer: Melvins, Tool, Helmet)

(stream and download – Episode 123) Hola, amigos! Welcome to another sweet sweet episode of Protonic Reversal! I know it’s been a long time since we rapped at ya, but we’ve got a great episode here with the one and only Toshi Kasai! We chatted about tons of stuff, like: -the California fires -Working with … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep123-toshi-kasai-engineer-and-producer-melvins-tool-helmet/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep123: Toshi Kasai (Engineer and Producer: Melvins, Tool, Helmet)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep122: Mike Greenlees/John Mohr (Tar)

(stream and download – Episode 122) Well, well, welcome to another episode of Protonic Reversal! Conan and Josh had fun chats with (separately) Mike and John from Tar! First up was Mike, with whom we discussed such whimsy as: -A 25 year gap between radio call-in shows -Getting back into show shape -Picking songs for … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep122-mike-greenlees-john-mohr-tar/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep122: Mike Greenlees/John Mohr (Tar)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep121: John Yingling (The World Underground)

(stream and download – Episode 121) Globetrotting punk rock documentarian John Yingling, of The World Underground, back in the U.S. for a limited amount of time comes back to Protonic Reversal after a 70 episode, and 3 1/2 year break. We speak of all things documentary, talk about his recent work in Indonesia and future … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep121-john-yingling-the-world-underground/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep121: John Yingling (The World Underground)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep120: Jeff Mueller (June of 44, Shipping News, Rodan)

(stream and download – Episode 120) Hello, dear friends, and welcome to another episode of Protonic Reversal! On the day after Jesus’ birthday, we talked to the amazing Jeff Mueller (of June of 44, Shipping News, and Rodan!) and discussed such topics as: -When your kids see you play -Relearning via Youtube -Being a NYC … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep120-jeff-mueller-june-of-44-shipping-news-rodan/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep120: Jeff Mueller (June of 44, Shipping News, Rodan)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep119: Joe Cardamone (the Icarus Line)/Michael Grodner (The Icarus Line Must Die)

(stream and download – Episode 119) Double the guests, double the fun! As Conan and Josh have on Joe Cardamone of the Icarus Line and Michael Grodner, filmmaker beyond the upcoming (sorta) biopic: The Icarus Line Must Die. 17:05 Michael Grodner 57:10 Joe Cardamone Michael Grodner: -The Jim Jarmusch Black and White Aesthteic. -It’s not … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/740/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep119: Joe Cardamone (the Icarus Line)/Michael Grodner (The Icarus Line Must Die)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep118: Rick Valentin (Poster Children, Thoughts Detecting Machines)

(stream and download – Episode 118) Hello, summer people! It’s time to put away the sweaters and break out the shorts, and while you do all that shuffling about with your damned laundry, you should listen to this great episode of Protonic Reversal! Conan and Josh welcome back to the show Rick Valentin, of Poster … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep118-rick-valentin-poster-children-thoughts-detecting-machines/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep118: Rick Valentin (Poster Children, Thoughts Detecting Machines)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep117: Andrew Elstner (Dead Now, Tilts, Torche)

(stream and download – Episode 117) Hey hey hey! it’s Andrew Elstner of Dead Now, and formerly of Tilts, Torche, Riddle of Steel and more. He speaks of leaving Torche, the passing of Ken McCray, moving down south, boutique pedals. Putting on a show. It’s a whole thing. Did you know that the original theme … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep117-andrew-elstner-dead-now-tilts-torche/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep117: Andrew Elstner (Dead Now, Tilts, Torche)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep116: Andrew “Falco” Falkous (Future of the Left, christian fitness, mclusky)

(stream and download – Episode 116) Well met, all! Welcome once again to the home of the Protonic Reversal! This week’s guest was friend of the show Andrew Falkous! It’s always a blast chatting with Falco, as you can see by the list of topics we touched upon: -All the Bongs, Vol. 2 -the binary … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/728/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep116: Andrew “Falco” Falkous (Future of the Left, christian fitness, mclusky)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep115: The Bismarck (Chris Jury, Dan Mohr, Eric Fundingsland)

(stream and download – Episode 115) Well, hey, hey! Seattle’s The Bismarck come into the Protonic Reversal studios to crack wise, run schtick and every once in awhile provide some deep epiphanies at being a long running band that is prone to hilarious and heartbreaking disaster. https://thebismarck.bandcamp.com [...]

Ep114: Keith Morris (OFF!, Circle Jerks, Black Flag)

(stream and download – Episode 114) Howdy, all! Tonight’s special guest on Protonic Reversal is the legendary Keith Morris! Conan and Josh, delightfully, barely get a word in as Keith tells us all about such things as: -Keith’s “turn” to write a book -The Decline of Western Civilization Part XVIII -Picking opening acts -James Brown … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep114-keith-morris-off-circle-jerks-black-flag/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep114: Keith Morris (OFF!, Circle Jerks, Black Flag)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep113: Rose Marshack (Poster Children)

(stream and download – Episode 113) Well, hello! Welcome to another fresh eppy of Protonic Reversal! Conan and Josh are thrilled to talk with their guest, Rose Marshack of Poster Children! While Rose attempts to interview them just as much as they interview her, much is discussed. Such as: -Meta podcast referencing -the origins of … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep113-rose-marshack-poster-children/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep113: Rose Marshack (Poster Children)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep112: Body Futures (DJ Hostettler, Dixie Jacobs, Chris Maury)

(stream and download – Episode 112) Welcome, once again, to the Home of the Protonic Reversal! Today’s guests are in the studio, even! They’re Body Futures! They’re great! We check out songs from their new record “Maybe It’s Just the Weather,” and chat about: -KISS/Infowars crossover lyrics -Comic Talk -Stone Temple Pilots Talk -that sound … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep112-body-futures-dj-hostettler-dixie-jacobs-chris-maury/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep112: Body Futures (DJ Hostettler, Dixie Jacobs, Chris Maury)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep111: Dave Catching (Rancho De La Luna, Earthlings?, Eagles of Death Metal, Desert Sessions, Queens of the Stone Age)

(stream and download – Episode 111) Once again, it’s time for the Percolator, and Protonic Reversal! Actually, it’s always time for the Percolator, but never mind. This week, Conan and Josh got on the ol’ phone once or twice with Rancho De La Luna’s Dave Catching! The fun, wide-ranging conversation was about, amongst other things: … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep111-dave-catching-rancho-de-la-luna-earthlings-eagles-of-death-metal-desert-sessions-queens-of-the-stone-age/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep111: Dave Catching (Rancho De La Luna, Earthlings?, Eagles of Death Metal, Desert Sessions, Queens of the Stone Age)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep110: Marissa Paternoster (Screaming Females)

(stream and download – Episode 110) Protonic Reversal welcomes you (and us) to 2018! We kicked off this year with a great guest, Marissa Paternoster of Screaming Females! Conan and Josh had a great conversation with Marissa, and when we weren’t bonding over our love of one Stephen Sowley, we were discussing such topics as: … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep110-marissa-paternoster-screaming-females/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep110: Marissa Paternoster (Screaming Females)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep109: Top 10 Albums of 2017

(stream and download – Episode 109) Conan 1. Oxbow – Thin Black Duke 2. Lardo – Sinking 3. christian fitness – slap Bass Hunks 4. Mountain Goats – Goths. 5. SEMINARS – Pricks Die Young 6. Magpies – Annex 7. Crystal Fairy – s/t 8. Dead Rider – Crew Licks 9. Out – Swim Buddiess … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep109-top-10-albums-of-2017/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep109: Top 10 Albums of 2017"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep108: Darren Jackson (Kid Dakota)

(stream and download – Episode 108) 12/14 Darren Jackson Hello, friends, and thank you for joining Conan and Josh for another episode of Protonic Reversal! Today’s guest is Darren Jackson of Kid Dakota, whose album So Pretty is about to get its first vinyl issue. We discuss that, and: -mp3.com -the So Pretty cover art … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep108-darren-jackson-kid-dakota/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep108: Darren Jackson (Kid Dakota)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep107: Hank Donovan (Magpies, Rattlesnake Cable Company)

(stream and download – Episode 107) 12/7 Hank Donovan Hey, everybody! Welcome to another episode of Protonic Reversal! Today’s guest on the phone with Conan and Josh is Hank Donovan, of Magpies and Rattlesnake cables. Our discussion includes such topics as: -New drummer! -Finding musicians in a small city -a college-dependent scene -Montana DIY -Scene … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep107-hank-donovan-magpies-rattlesnake-cable-company/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep107: Hank Donovan (Magpies, Rattlesnake Cable Company)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep106: Keith Brammer (Die Kreuzen)

(stream and download – Episode 106) Hail hail! Welcome to the Home of the Protonic Reversal. Today’s episode features another great in-studio guest (man, we’ve been lucky with these!) Keith Brammer, from Die Kreuzen, Wreck, Crime and Judy, et cetera! This wide ranging conversation touches upon such topics as: -The weird novelty of listening to … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep106-keith-brammer-die-kreuzen/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep106: Keith Brammer (Die Kreuzen)"</span></a></p> [...]
Tim Midyett - Silkworm

Ep105: Tim Midyett (Silkworm, Bottomless Pit, Mint Mile)

(stream and download – Episode 105) Good hello, and welcome to another episode of Protonic Reversal! Today’s EXTENDED episode features our in-studio guest, Tim Midyett (of Mint Mile, Bottomless Pit, Silkworm etc.) Our wide-ranging discussion features topics like: -the Gerry Todd Show -The Dancing Imperative -12-string baritone guitars -baritones: not guitars, not basses -Tablecloth lint … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep105-tim-midyett-silkworm-bottomless-pit-mint-mile/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep105: Tim Midyett (Silkworm, Bottomless Pit, Mint Mile)"</span></a></p> [...]
Ep104: Nick Skrobisz - Multicult

Ep104: Nick Skrobisz (Multicult)

(stream and download – Episode 104)Weeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll howdy, folks! It’s time for another groovy installment of Protonic Reversal! In today’s episode, Conan and Josh chat with Nick Skrobisz of the kickass Baltimore band Multicult. Topics include, but are not limited to: -Baltimore scene report -the Oakland van break-in -Katamari Damacy-ing the equipment (a step up from … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep104-nick-skrobisz-multicult/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep104: Nick Skrobisz (Multicult)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep103: WORK (Joe Cannon, Jeff Brueggeman, Kavi Laud)

(stream and download – Episode 103) It’s time for episode 103 of Protonic Reversal! For the second week in a row, we’ve got in-studio guests: the fantastic Milwaukee band WORK. Conan and Josh encourage much nerdy discussion, along the lines of: -Numerous and endless band name puns -Australian GPS voices -Colin Hay -Sideshows and local … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep103-work-joe-cannon-jeff-brueggeman-kavi-laud/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep103: WORK (Joe Cannon, Jeff Brueggeman, Kavi Laud)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep101: Fox Face (Mary Joy, Lindsay DeGroot, Lydia Chioda, Chopper Chioda)

(stream and download – Episode 101) t’s time for a FREEWHEELING episode of Protonic Reversal! Conan and Josh have guests live in the studio: the most excellent Milwaukee band Fox Face! Hear such seemingly endless digressions such as: -Josh’s mic antics -Fox Face meets Dirtnap -Rock ‘n’ roll maternity leave -Conan’s most relaxing episode ever … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/661/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep101: Fox Face (Mary Joy, Lindsay DeGroot, Lydia Chioda, Chopper Chioda)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep101: Lindsey Charles (The Cell Phones)

(stream and download – Episode 101) It’s Episode #101 of Protonic Reversal! Your hosts, Conan and Josh, are in a sour mood, due to living in the world. But never fear, a phone call with Lindsey Charles of the Cell Phones cures what ails them! After some discussion about Refused (overrated? Or rated just right?) … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep101-lindsey-charles-the-cell-phones/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep101: Lindsey Charles (The Cell Phones)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep100: Chris Frey! Christian Lembach! Sohrab Habibion! Josh Newton! Dale Crover! Tom Hazelmyer! Andrew “Falco” Falkous! Rick Valentin! (not) Steve Albini!

(stream and download – Episode 100) Oh, shit, it’s the hundredth episode of PROTONIC REVERSAL! Thrill as Conan, Josh, and special in-studio guest Jeff Moody wrangle GUEST AFTER GUEST for two and a half hours! Get ready to hear such scintillations as: -Chris Frey on navigating medical crises on a European tour! -Christian Lembach on … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep100-chris-frey-christian-lembach-sohrab-habibion-josh-newton-dale-crover-tom-hazelmyer-andrew-falco-falkous-rick-valentin-not-steve-albini/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep100: Chris Frey! Christian Lembach! Sohrab Habibion! Josh Newton! Dale Crover! Tom Hazelmyer! Andrew “Falco” Falkous! Rick Valentin! (not) Steve Albini!"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep099: Rick Sims (Didjits, Gaza Strippers)

(stream and download – Episode 99) Yes, yes! It’s true, Conan and Josh talk to the one and only Rick Sims of the mighty Didjits. It’s in the second hour, so strap in for some first rate entertainment or music or get that fast forward button ready.-Just Fred (the record and the dude)-The Cassette Revival-The … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep099-rick-sims-didjits-gaza-strippers/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep099: Rick Sims (Didjits, Gaza Strippers)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep098: Eugene Robinson (Oxbow, Whipping Boy, Sal Mineo)

(stream and download – Episode 98) What if Yella from NWA sang the hit of Yellow the band (of “Oh YEAAAAAAH!” fame), that and a few other things before Conan and Josh dive right into the remarkable Eugene Robinson and his many bands, projects, sojourns and creative exploits. Eugene conducts himself with alacrity and poise … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep098-eugene-robinson-oxbow-whipping-boy-sal-mineo/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep098: Eugene Robinson (Oxbow, Whipping Boy, Sal Mineo)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep097: Mike Blaha (The Blind Shake, BLAHA, Shadow in the Cracks)

(stream and download – Episode 97) On this episode, Conan and Josh have a chat with Mike Blaha of the Blind Shake and countless variations thereupon! Topics include, but are not limited to: -collaborations and being open -subbing in bands mid-tour -Blind Shake vs. solo writing -air-drumming auditions -Chipotle! -the Blaha health regimen -surfin’ with … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep097-mike-blaha-the-blind-shake-blaha-shadow-in-the-cracks/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep097: Mike Blaha (The Blind Shake, BLAHA, Shadow in the Cracks)"</span></a></p> [...]
J. Robbins

Ep096: J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines, Channels)

(stream and download – Episode 96) Conan and Josh kick off the show with a brief discussion of big shows from the past weekend, then have a great chat with J. Robbins! Topics include: The songwriting process: -Bendy guitar loop overdubs -Reviving/rewriting old songs and playing acoustic shows -Shading confessional songwriting -The integrity of a … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep096-j-robbins-jawbox-burning-airlines-channels/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep096: J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines, Channels)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep095: Brian Pennington (Lardo, Megamaul, Radiant Republic)

(stream and download – Episode 95) on striking a chord with Lardo beyond friend rock, the intergal usage of the Bit Commander pedal to the Lardo “sound”, playing with the murderer’s row of bands at All Tomorrow’s Impeachments, why Lardo is really 70s dumb riff rock (seriously?!), motivation and inspiration, what record labels mean in … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep095-brian-pennington-lardo-megamaul-radiant-republic/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep095: Brian Pennington (Lardo, Megamaul, Radiant Republic)"</span></a></p> [...]
Duane Denison - Jesus Lizard, Tomahawk, DK3

Ep094: Duane Denison (Jesus Lizard, Tomahawk, DK3)

(stream and download – Episode 94) What is there to say? Duane Denison is a living legend. We talk DK3, Jesus Lizard, Robert Fripp, technique and process, innovation and inspiration. Did we mention living legend? Interview starts at 8:30 Music played: DK3 – Traveling Salesman Jesus Lizard – Bloody Mary Jesus Lizard – Then Comes … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep94-duane-denison-jesus-lizard-tomahawk-dk3/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep094: Duane Denison (Jesus Lizard, Tomahawk, DK3)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep093: Hammer, Chisel, Fall – Anti-Inauguration Day Jukebox

(stream and download – Episode 93) Pretty straightforward. Screw that dude. Dead Kennedys – Kill the Poor The Crucifucks – Hinkley Had a Vision Poster children – the leader The Thermals – God and Country Minutemen – Fascist / Joe McCarthy’s Ghost / Paranoid Chan Shellac – All the Surveyors Minutemen – This Ain’t No … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep093-ep093-hammer-chisel-fall-anti-inauguration-day-jukebox/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep093: Hammer, Chisel, Fall – Anti-Inauguration Day Jukebox"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep092: Protonic Reversal Top 10 Records of 2016

(stream and download – Episode 92) It was really hard to get down to 10 for this. Anybody that says there’s no good music out there has rocks in their head. The list: 1. Beat Drun Juel – suppressor 2. Whores – Gold 3. Nocturnal Habits – New Skin for Old Children 4. Helms Alee … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep92-protonic-reversal-top-10-records-of-2016/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep092: Protonic Reversal Top 10 Records of 2016"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep091: Justin Trosper (Unwound, Survival Knife, Nocturnal Habits)

(stream and download – Episode 91) Fall records and making things far away from people. Making leaves as an analog recording right in the middle of the digital revolution. Soundbreaking and process change , digital as 4 track, and recording with none of the people in the same room, live bands merging, skipping the “getting … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep091-justin-trosper-unwound-survival-knife-nocturnal-habits/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep091: Justin Trosper (Unwound, Survival Knife, Nocturnal Habits)"</span></a></p> [...]
Christian Lembach - Whores

Ep090: Christian Lembach (Whores.)

(stream and download – Episode 90) Christian returns to Protonic Reversal to talk about the new whores record GOLD, online presence and communication, bullshit filters, the sacrifices and choices one makes for “living the life” and the trade-offs that ensue, the deep affinity and friendship that comes from a shared esoteric interest, Harrison Ford, quality … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep090-christian-lembech-whores/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep090: Christian Lembach (Whores.)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep089: Andrew “Falco” Falkous (Future of the Left, mclusky, christian fitness)

(stream and download – Episode 89) The enigmatic and clever Falco returns for a record breaking 4th appearance! In a brief pause in the opus making, capturing thoughts you didn’t know you had yet, record releases based on people’s commute, new christian fitness! New Future of the Left! guitar pedals and the “that” pedal, Brexit … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep089-andrew-falco-falkous-future-of-the-left-mclusky-christian-fitness/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep089: Andrew “Falco” Falkous (Future of the Left, mclusky, christian fitness)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep088: Brenna Betts (Goodbye Brenna!)

(stream and download – Episode 88) It’s the end of an era! Protonic Reversal cohost Brenna Betts is moving away. She gets the royal send off with a crazy go nuts hell ass episode that includes… well, a lot of stuff. Dying dogs, the sound of silence. Measurements of synth. The pre-requisite political talk, Coywolves, … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep088-brenna-betts-goodbye-brenna/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep088: Brenna Betts (Goodbye Brenna!)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep087: Jeff Byron/Dana Poblete (Batwings Catwings)

(stream and download – Episode 87) Jeff and Dana from Batwings Catwings talk about their new ep Coast to Coast and the experience of being a poppy, but noisy band. The differences between Turbo Lightning and Batwings Catwings, EPs over albums and doing almost every piece of it DIY. Writing inspiration and influence and touring … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep087-jeff-byrondana-poblete-batwings-catwings/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep087: Jeff Byron/Dana Poblete (Batwings Catwings)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep086: Mike Upchurch (The Hotbox)

(stream and download – Episode 86) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-08-21_86_ep086__mike_upchurch_the_hotbox.mp3 Mike Upchurch of the Hotbox! Comes into the Radio NOPE world HQ to talk about heavy jams, and finding the underground NOT through punk rock. Politics are discussed, jokes are cracked and a good time is had by all. Melvins – Choco Plumbing Tweak Bird – Greens Melvins … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep086-mike-upchurch-the-hotbox/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep086: Mike Upchurch (The Hotbox)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep085: Bob Hannam/Ryan Sutherby (Melvins Documentary)

(stream and download – Episode 85) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-07-12_85_ep085__bob_hannam_ryan_sutherby_.mp3 The Colossus of Destiny: A Melvins Tale. It’s a documentary film by Bob Hannam and Ryan Sutherby, two first time filmmakers who dedicated years of their lives to compile the story of such a resilient and enigmatic group. Listen in as Bob and Ryan speak about the trials … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep085-bob-hannamryan-sutherby-melvins-documentary/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep085: Bob Hannam/Ryan Sutherby (Melvins Documentary)"</span></a></p> [...]
Photo by Peter Gannushkin / DOWNTOWNMUSIC.NET

Ep084: Sohrab Habibion (Savak, Obits, Edsel)

photo by Peter Gannushkin / DOWNTOWNMUSIC.NET (stream and download – Episode 84) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-06-02_84_ep084__sohrab_habibion_savak__ob.mp3 Conan and Brenna talk with the talented guitarist/singer about what constitutes a headphone record, your own genre of badass, punk rock and rules, the Damned and “hard goth”, Legos, confirmation bias, and feedback loops, taxonomic system for music, pen pals, zines and letting … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep084-sohrab-habibion-savak-obits-edsel/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep084: Sohrab Habibion (Savak, Obits, Edsel)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep083: Joel Frost (Playing Rock Star)

(stream and download – Episode 83) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-05-17_83_ep083__joel_frost_playing_rock_s.mp3 Joel Frost does a TV Show called Playing Rock Star. This is a unique show where Joel plays with an established band on one of their big songs and gets a taste of what being in a band people give a damn about must be like. The first … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep083-joel-frost-playing-rock-star/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep083: Joel Frost (Playing Rock Star)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep082: DJ Hostettler (Unintimidated: Wisconsin Musicians Against Scott Walker)

(stream and download – Episode 82) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-05-05_82_ep082__dj_hostettler_unintimidat.mp3 A Protonic Reversal special with the mighty DJ Hostettler (Ifihadahifi, Body Futures, etc.) and his Unintimidated: Wisconsin Musicians Against Scott Walker project/culture jam. Conan and DJ talk about the Wisconsin governor and all the ways he is terrible and get to the bottom of what leads so many … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep082-dj-hostettler-unintimidated-wisconsin-musicians-against-scott-walker/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep082: DJ Hostettler (Unintimidated: Wisconsin Musicians Against Scott Walker)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep081: Brendan Canty (fugazi, Deathfix, Burn to Shine)

(stream and download – Episode 81) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-04-08_81_ep081__brendan_canty_fugazi__dea_1.mp3 Quick political check in with Drumpf calling for punishments for abortion, then it’s on with Brendan Canty! 31:00 for the over eager. Live soundtracks, Brent Green, fugazi children, the fluidity of instant sharing, the lack of endless labor, the arduous wait for a physical release, lots of stuff … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep081-brendan-canty-fugazi-deathfix-burn-to-shine/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep081: Brendan Canty (fugazi, Deathfix, Burn to Shine)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep080: Sean Kirkpatrick (Nervous Curtains, The pAperchAse)

(stream and download – Episode 80) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-04-05_80_ep080__sean_kirkpatrick_nervous.mp3 Being in a synth band in a world of guitars. The Low Defender ep, Abba and Van Halen covers, being a song based synth band, from piano to synths, demos and writing, Is Texas a rough place to be a synthy band?, crazy Texas politicians, circles of shared … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep080-sean-kirkpatrick-nervous-curtains-the-paperchase/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep080: Sean Kirkpatrick (Nervous Curtains, The pAperchAse)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep079: Josh Newton (Shiner, Glazed Baby, Season to Risk) -pt2

(stream and download – Episode 79) Interview at 30 minutes. auto updates, ipad as alarm clock, “waking up is hard to do”, Part 2 with Josh Newton (30 minute mark) Shiner shows. “Shiner and Chill”, music vs. delivering pizza, on joining and quitting From Autumn to Ashes, “I love you guys, but i’m done”, Conan’s … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep079-josh-newton-shiner-glazed-baby-season-to-risk-pt2/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep079: Josh Newton (Shiner, Glazed Baby, Season to Risk) -pt2"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep078: Scott Evans/Jon Howell (Kowloon Walled City)

(stream and download – Episode 78) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-03-03_78_ep078__scott_evans_jon_howell_ko.mp3 Kowloon Walled Cities and Roman cities, recording, the symbiosis of antisleep and sharkbite, Tigon and Puig Destroyer, Grievances and the delayed reaction of a “new” record, Less Art, and being identified by name in the San Jose Mercury News, patience and letting it stretch, song based and not … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep078-scott-evansjon-howell-kowloon-walled-city/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep078: Scott Evans/Jon Howell (Kowloon Walled City)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep077: Jason Myers (Author: A Sad History of Beautiful Nostalgia, Exit Here, The Mission)

(stream and download – Episode 77) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-02-14_77_ep077__jason_myers_author__exit.mp3 Author Jason Myers returns to Protonic Reversal to talk about his new book A Sad History of Beautiful Nostalgia, on being a San Francisco character, Barmuda-Bearmuda Triangle, Going your own way, the potential drudgery of success and candor not paying for burritos. Also: rights of first refusal, “Enter … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep077-jason-myers-author-a-sad-history-of-beautiful-nostalgia-exit-here-the-mission/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep077: Jason Myers (Author: A Sad History of Beautiful Nostalgia, Exit Here, The Mission)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep076: Tim Green (The Fucking Champs, Nation of Ulysses, Louder Studios)

(stream and download – Episode 76) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-02-07_76_ep076__tim_green_fucking_ch_s__nation_of_ulysses__louder_studios.mp3 Mortality themes, too soon for Bowie? Palin endorses Trump and vomit ensues, metaphorical puppets. Then we talk with Tim Green about naming your bands after amps or other things in the room, the rise of Louder Studios and moving to Grass Valley, destination recording, writing ridiculous parts for … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep076-tim-green-the-fucking-champs-nation-of-ulysses-louder-studios/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep076: Tim Green (The Fucking Champs, Nation of Ulysses, Louder Studios)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep075: Josh Newton (Shiner, Season to Risk, Glazed Baby) Pt. 1

(stream and download – Episode 75) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2016-01-26_ep75-joshnewton.mp3 Part 1 of our interview with the mighty Josh Newton. The most Shiner and Season to Risk talk in the past year, and probably the most Glazed Baby in the last ten. German band names and the origin of the controversial Glazed Baby name. Not being around to … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep075-josh-newton-shiner-season-to-risk-glazed-baby-pt-1/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep075: Josh Newton (Shiner, Season to Risk, Glazed Baby) Pt. 1"</span></a></p> [...]

EP074: Top 10 Albums of 2015

(stream and download – Episode 74) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-12-22_ep74-top10recordsof2015.mp3 OH MY!!! It is the top 10’ist most top 10 of all top 10 lists. NUMERICAL ORDER OF RECORDS that you have, or more likely have not heard. O.K. Guaranteed to dig deeper than your average list and to cure what ails you. PROTONIC REVERSAL IS THE ONLY … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep074-top-10-albums-of-2015/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "EP074: Top 10 Albums of 2015"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep073: Tom Hazelmyer (Amphetamine Reptile Records)

(stream and download – Episode 73) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-11-24_73_ep073__tom_hazelmyer__hetamine_reptile_records.mp3 Halloween recap, art of the house party, unknown knowns, The Iceman (Wim Hof not Bobby Drake), Real fucking nasty,Halo of Flies vs. H.O.F. Alice cooper band, thrown ups, “noise”, grounded sensibilities and dope guns fuck of zine to record, not being tied to one format, originality and genre … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep073-tom-hazelmyer-amphetamine-reptile-records/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep073: Tom Hazelmyer (Amphetamine Reptile Records)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep072: Joe Cardamone (The Icarus Line)

(stream and download – Episode 72) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-11-10_ep072-joecardamone.mp3 Joe Cardamone of the Icarus Line clues us all in on the rock ‘n roll life and ALL THINGS UNDER HEAVEN. Getting the Descendents to play a surprise show, touring with Scott Weiland, being guest editor at Magnet, Constantly being paired with bands they don’t have that much … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep072-joe-cardamone-the-icarus-line/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep072: Joe Cardamone (The Icarus Line)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep071: Jason Myles (La Fin Absolute Du Monde)

(stream and download – Episode 71) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-10-19_71_ep071__jason_myles_la_fin_absolute_du_monde.mp3 Ray Jay Johnson and old beer commercials, Thurston vs. Kim…, on aging and being BETTER, and not stopping, being in a band with your spouse, The Cesspool castle in Joplin Missouri, tweaked out midnight van repair guys, Jason Myles on the Williston, North Dakota oil boom the rudeness … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep071-jason-myles-la-fin-absolute-du-monde/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep071: Jason Myles (La Fin Absolute Du Monde)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep070: Phil Manley/Sebastian Thomson (Trans Am)

(stream and download – Episode 70) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-10-14_70_ep070__phil_manley_sebastian_thom.mp3 IN THIS EPISODE! We have Phil and Sebastian in studio and talk to them about the following: Shows in Bethesda, forging a unique sound, Trans Champs and the Fucking Am, Mark Knopfler likes the Fucking Champs, studio Cabana boys, LARPing swords, not being able to write it, but … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep070-phil-manleysebastian-thomson-trans-am/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep070: Phil Manley/Sebastian Thomson (Trans Am)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep069: James Burns (SEMINARS / Police Teeth) & Casey Nolan

(stream and download – Episode 69) Tour tapes, Small towns and small minds, gentrification, Katy Lester and STUD LEATHER, Latest Flame and “street gang”, Digital Snakes and usury Human Kid ep, cats and cat situations, Casey learning to play bass with her pinky and playing with James, baseball, more on tour tapes, writing “Rats”, “It’s … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep069-james-burns-seminars-police-teeth/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep069: James Burns (SEMINARS / Police Teeth) & Casey Nolan"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep068: Teri Gender Bender/Chris Common (Le Butcherettes)

(stream and download – Episode 68) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-09-24_68_ep068__teri_gender_bender___chris_common_le_butcherettes.mp3 Almost losing Cry is For the Flies, petting cats with phones, Chris going from bass to drums (aka:the Thudbuckets), REBEL GIRL with the Melvins and touring with them, from Guadalajara to El Paso, extremes, depression, stabbings outside venues and Teri having her BROTHER KIDNAPPED, Keyboards vs. Guitar songs … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/464/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep068: Teri Gender Bender/Chris Common (Le Butcherettes)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep067: Christian Lembach (Whores.)

(stream and download – Episode 67) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-09-22_67_ep067__christian_lembach_whores.mp3 Music as delivery system or community, Harvey Milk, Keeping intensity as one grows older, sincerity and going deep, lyrical content as literal reading vs. gallows humor, song titles first as the box to write in, on trying to not play music, on throwing out songs, bummer-vibe bands being … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep067-christian-lembach-whores/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep067: Christian Lembach (Whores.)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep066: Buzz Osborne and Dale Crover (The Melvins)

(stream and download – Episode 66) https://www.protonicreversal.com/podcast/media/2015-09-10_66_ep066__buzz_osborne_and_dale_crov.mp3 “I’m Rosemary’s baby!” Movies. Le Butcherettes, Basses loaded and Mike and the Melvins, Buzz almost gets his head blown off, insurance fraud stories, “The amount of work to go through to avoid work.”, The movie Sideways, my dinners with Andre (the giant), Andre and small pac, “never breathe what you can’t … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep066-buzz-osborne-and-dale-crover-the-melvins/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep066: Buzz Osborne and Dale Crover (The Melvins)"</span></a></p> [...]
Motherfucker from Athens, GA

Ep065: Motherfucker (Erika, Erica, Mandy)

(stream and download – Episode 65) 65 episodes, Old enough to retire, Protonic “Game of Thrones it’s not”, Cinderella’s beasts and the task rabbits, hitting people in the face with magnets, mom love, Carl Sagan’s Ghost, the shocking story behind methwitches, on Audacious names and reactions and the nature of vulgarity and grown up words, … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep065-motherfucker-erika-erica-mandy/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep065: Motherfucker (Erika, Erica, Mandy)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep064: David Yow (Jesus Lizard, Scratch Acid, Actor)

(stream and download – Episode 64) Getting the call to sing for FLIPPER, getfaced, acting!, Jesus Lizard reunions and injuries, the definitive mouth breather story and so much more. 50 Shades of Wesham, Brenna LITERALLY painting herself into a corner, “What like Hoobastank?” interview starts at 49 minute mark. Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep064-david-yow-jesus-lizard-scratch-acid-actor/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep064: David Yow (Jesus Lizard, Scratch Acid, Actor)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep063: Andrew “Falco” Falkous (Future of the Left, mclusky, christian fitness)

(stream and download – Episode 63) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-08-16_ep063_andrewfalcofalkous.mp3 B Hamilton record release round up. the word “Gubernatorial”, militantly believing in nothing, Cohen brothers, there will be blood… Eventually. “The worst PROPER film.”. The process of creation, bands vs tales, Lightsaber Cocksucking Blues as a failed Whole Lotta Rosie rip off, mclusky charity gig wrap up, crowdfunding, … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep063-andrew-falco-falkous-future-of-the-left-mclusky-christian-fitness/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep063: Andrew “Falco” Falkous (Future of the Left, mclusky, christian fitness)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep062: Debates, Humor and General Nonsense

No guests, but lots of laughs. There is attempted commentary on the Republican Debate (airing at the same time of the episode), that quickly turns into a Dada-esque nightmare scenario. On the value of the comedic straight man and listening, Brenna talks about her upcoming regular RadioNOPE show, tons of new tunes and good times. … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep062-debates-humor-and-general-nonsense/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep062: Debates, Humor and General Nonsense"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep061: Love Moon and Sleeping Bag

A full house with the bands LOVE MOON and Sleeping Bag on deck. On Following your bliss. Baltimore grape juice attacks, “Oh my god, they shot him!”, Luxie, Brian Johnson: Cornball or not and resonating with the drive through scene in Maximum Overdrive, the Predominantely Blue backstory and Blue Moons, RANK!, least favorite Beatles and … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep061-love-moon-and-sleeping-bag/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep061: Love Moon and Sleeping Bag"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep060: Brett Eugene Ralph (Kentucky Chrome Revue, Rising Shotgun, Malignant Growth)

Raconteur and music lifer Brett Eugene comes in to spin tales and shoot the breeze, from singing with Minor Threat, seeing Thin Lizzy at his first show (!), explaining how a punk rocker turned outlaw country and Waylon Jennings getting some hilarious come uppance. There is talk of repurposing the stooges as a redneck, what … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep060-brett-eugene-ralph-kentucky-chrome-revue-rising-shotgun-malignant-growth/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep060: Brett Eugene Ralph (Kentucky Chrome Revue, Rising Shotgun, Malignant Growth)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep058: Travis Keller (Buddyhead)

First evening broadcast ozzy vs. dio sabbath, Buddyhead podcasts, Blag Dahlia and the Dwaves, big festivals, GLAMPING, the nature of a free wheeling conversation, talking with Andrew W.K., hating David Lynch and ska, but not spending lots of time hating things, Travis as the Log Lady, ORIGIN STORY OF SHAT & BUDDYHEAD! brief prfbbq2015 rounduplardo, … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep058-travis-keller-buddyhead/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep058: Travis Keller (Buddyhead)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep057: Jon Fine (Bitch Magnet, Your Band Sucks [book])

Episode 57 http://www.radionope.com/podcasts.radionope.com/Conan%20Neutron's%20Protonic%20Reversal/conan_neutrons_protonic_reversal.2015-06-18.0800.mp3 Jon and Conan talk about the many wonders of his memoir/recollection of a band called Bitch Magnet and a different time in independent music. The book is “Your Band Sucks: What I Saw at Indie Rock’s Failed Revolution (But Can No Longer Hear) Why polite dullards like Clapton play so limp and … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep057-jon-fine-bitch-magnet-your-band-sucks-book/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep057: Jon Fine (Bitch Magnet, Your Band Sucks [book])"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep056: Ted Nesseth (Heavenly States)

Episode 56 http://www.radionope.com/podcasts.radionope.com/Conan%20Neutron's%20Protonic%20Reversal/conan_neutrons_protonic_reversal.2015-06-11.0800.mp3 An acoustic performance of two songs Masters of Suicide and Hope is On the Way! As well as some new tunes off of HISS, the new Heavenly States record. Good times. Brenna dating stuff, Conan saw Jon Fine at Aquarius, Then suddenly stuff gets all weird and deep and existential and stuff. … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep056-ted-nesseth-heavenly-states/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep056: Ted Nesseth (Heavenly States)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep055: J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines, Office of Future Plans)

Episode 55 http://www.radionope.com/podcasts.radionope.com/Conan%20Neutron's%20Protonic%20Reversal/conan_neutrons_protonic_reversal.2015-06-04.0800.mp3 Career spanning interview about punk rock, Jawbox origin story, Band thank you notes, guitars that fight each other, recording the S/T album and the end of the band, Burning Airlines before and after 9/11, Channels! Office of Future Plans! Acoustic! Cello! Interview begins at 33:18 after the Jaw-BLOCK. GET IT? GET IT? … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep055-j-robbins-jawbox-burning-airlines-office-of-future-plans/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep055: J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines, Office of Future Plans)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep054: Back in Action.

Music and talk. Melvins premiere, baseball talk by people who don’t follow baseball, Marc Maron story, Conan talks about recording the new Secret Friends record. General mirth and merriment, etc. Episode 54 http://www.radionope.com/podcasts.radionope.com/Conan%20Neutron's%20Protonic%20Reversal/conan_neutrons_protonic_reversal.2015-05-21.0800.mp3 8:00am: Casually Intense (Opening Theme) by Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends from the Enemy of Everyone 8:10am: Captain Comedown by Melvins … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep054-back-in-action/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep054: Back in Action."</span></a></p> [...]

Ep053: Russell Hall / Jonathan Brown (Tyranny is Tyranny)

The Madison radical political heavy rockers speak to Conan and Brenna about all things political and not-political. Beards, being “down for the program” of a political post-punk heavy band, austere and sobering cover art, identity in punk rock. Gang of Four, found t-shirts and SO MUCH MORE! Episode 53 http://www.radionope.com/podcasts.radionope.com/Conan%20Neutron's%20Protonic%20Reversal/conan_neutrons_protonic_reversal.2015-05-07.0800.mp3 8:00am: Casually Intense (Opening theme) … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep053-russell-hall-jonathan-brown-tyranny-is-tyranny/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep053: Russell Hall / Jonathan Brown (Tyranny is Tyranny)"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep.52 – Tim Midyett (Silkworm, Bottomless Pit, Mint Mile)

A career spanning interview that covers Silkworm’s many years of (not so) glamorous touring, doing your best work in “low gear”, replacing a band member with space, being in a band with three singers that don’t sing together, not envying people who make music for a living, continuing on with music after tragedy, being covered … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep-52-tim-midyett-silkworm-bottomless-pit-mint-mile/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep.52 – Tim Midyett (Silkworm, Bottomless Pit, Mint Mile)"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep051: John Yingling (World Underground, Documentarian)

Episode 51 stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep051__john_yingling_documentarian.mp3 The World Underground is a series of documentaries about punk rock the world over, the first episode on CHINA is available now. Conan and Brenna talk to Mr. Yingling about Chinese appropriaton of western culture, how music develops without spotify and youtube, Gaokao and the challenges of making a documentary series … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep051-john-yingling-world-underground-documentarian/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep051: John Yingling (World Underground, Documentarian)"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep050: Chris Frey (Porch) & Mike Markowski

Episode 50 stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep050__chris_frey__mike_markowski.mp3 Chris Frey is from the excellent band Porch, Mike Markowski is a guy from Jersey by way of Hawaii who films stuff. Hear special episode 50 station ids! Hawaii traffic, being related to the Carter family, Primus stories, and all the PRF West news you can imagine. Captain Planet, Wonder Twins … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep050-chris-frey-porch-mike-markowski/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep050: Chris Frey (Porch) & Mike Markowski"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal – Ep049: talk, tunes, etc.

Episode 49 stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep049__tunes__talk__etc_.mp3 PRF West talk up, RIP Obits (the band), tunes, talk. etc. Conan gets polled by a BART worker. 8:00am: Casually Intense by Conan Neutron and the Secret Friends from the Enemy of Everyone 8:07am Thud of the Jackboot by Survival Knife from Survivalized 8:09am: I’m Getting Sick Of You by Le … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/test/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal – Ep049: talk, tunes, etc."</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal – Ep048: Back to the Bay

Episode 48 – stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep048__back_to_the_bay.mp3 Brenna and Conan return to SF. There’s a Live from the Barrage appearance wrap up. Including Conan’s contentious history with the show. Calls from Massimo of Sardinia and Tommy Rockstar of LFTB. The Brenna on PR Origin Story, playing roles and so much more. Oh yes, good tunes too. 8:00am: … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep048-back-to-the-bay/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal – Ep048: Back to the Bay"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal – Ep047 – Rick Valentin (Poster Children, Thoughts Detecting Machines, Radio Zero)

Episode 47 – stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep047__rick_valentin_poster_childre.mp3 The Pkids alumnus talks musical influence and record presentation and packaging being as important as the music. From Andy Gill’s Gang of One to Insane Clown Posse. A career spanning interview that promises to both delight and entertain. Delight! 8:00am: Casually Intense (opening theme) by Conan Neutron & the Secret … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep047-rick-valentin-poster-children-thoughts-detecting-machines-radio-zero/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal – Ep047 – Rick Valentin (Poster Children, Thoughts Detecting Machines, Radio Zero)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep046: Tony Molina

Episode 46 stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep046__tony_molina.mp3 Daylight savings time is stupid and Conan rants about it. What to do when youtube flags your own song for copyright violation. Replicator. In hour two they talk to Tony Molina. Speaking to classic rock, ZZ Top, Pantera party houses and blood fountains and Brenna tells a cautionary tale of why … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep046-tony-molina/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep046: Tony Molina"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal – Ep. 45: “Say ‘YES’…to NOPE.”

Episode 45 stream/download http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep045___say_yes___to_nope__.mp3 Brenna and Conan talk RADIO NOPE. Premieres by the rutabega, Hungry Man and Torche as well. The frozen foods aisle, Iron Maiden, DEVO, and such. Conan recaps Replicator redux. 8:00am: Casually Intense (opening theme) by Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends from The Enemy of Everyone 8:04am In the Morning by … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-episode-45-say-yes-to-nope/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal – Ep. 45: “Say ‘YES’…to NOPE.”"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep044: PRF Thundersnow 2015 roundup *OR* Augury and the Douche

[podcast]17123[/podcast] Somebody’s pleasure being somebody else’s work, sexist dudes. “She wanted to spin donuts on it.” Conan trips on his tongue a lot. Replicator reunion. Scorpions with Ravi Shankar. 8:00am: Casually Intense (Opening theme) by Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends from The Enemy of Everyone 8:05am: Out of the Woods and Into the Light … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep044-prf-thundersnow-2015-roundup-or-augury-and-the-douche/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep044: PRF Thundersnow 2015 roundup *OR* Augury and the Douche"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep043: Sardinian Hello.

[podcast]16997[/podcast] Brenna and Conan get a surprise call from Sardinia (!) from Max of Confrontational. Pretty cool! Also music and laughs and such. 8:00am: Casually Intense (Opening theme) by Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends from The Enemy of Everyone 8:06am: Bury Our Friends by Sleater-Kinney from No Cities to Love 8:09am: Sea Saw by … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep043-sardinian-hello/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep043: Sardinian Hello."</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep042: Travis Keller (Buddyhead)

Travis Keller speaks about being the Waldorf and Statler of alternative music, Limp Bizkit hitmen, why Wes Borland is a “good nazi”, selling Bob Dylan box sets for food money, hanging out with Oasis, getting saved from the guy from the Transplants by Michael Rapaport he truly does tell it all. Also: Conan makes a … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep042-travis-keller-buddyhead/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep042: Travis Keller (Buddyhead)"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep041: the Neutron and Gritzy Show II – The Final Solution of Fun

[podcast]16898[/podcast] The “Final Solution of fun” returns once again for a raucous fill in episode. As Neutron and Gritzy spin sweet jams and hot rock. Premieres from Thoughts Detecting Machines and Heroine Complex. New music from Sleater-Kinney, Rock Lotto, legacy bands, calls from Rebecca and Jess of Happy Fangs and Bob Bucko Jr. of Dubuque … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep041-the-neutron-and-gritzy-show-ii-the-final-solution-of-fun/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep041: the Neutron and Gritzy Show II – The Final Solution of Fun"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep040: Michael Cobra & Rebecca Gone Bad (Happy Fangs)

[podcast]16865[/podcast] Mission fires, Popeye the black metal sailor man, anti choice chicken, “If you can’t fit the tuba in… you’re doing it wrong.” Michael Cobra whistle circus kill theme. Call from Jess Gowrie Happy Fangs drummer in the drum bunker. Sacramento/SF band. Circular breathing and the separation of mind and body. The “Whore-icane” On the … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep040-michael-cobra-rebecca-gone-bad-happy-fangs/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep040: Michael Cobra & Rebecca Gone Bad (Happy Fangs)"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep039: Tom Grigor (Sister Grizzly)

[podcast]16737[/podcast] On a two piece becoming a 4 piece, and appropriating one of your favorite guitar players. The legend of Sister Grizzly, and what it’s like having a father that is a wizard of the AMAZING 12 string guitar that sings songs about people finding their keys. Also hot tubs and tuxedo tattoos, Mulle’ and … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep039-tom-grigor-sister-grizzly/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep039: Tom Grigor (Sister Grizzly)"</span></a></p> [...]

Protonic Reversal Ep037: Dixie Jacobs & DJ Hostettler (Body Futures)

[podcast]16737[/podcast] 1/2 of Milwaukee Wisconsin’s Body Futures arrive in the Radio Valencia studios to talk about cross continental train travel and hypothetical sleeper car searches, high concept Boson Higgs records, skateboards powered by an app, Bone Wars(tm), and Back to the Future, and exactly why it is so hard for Conan to spell the word … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/protonic-reversal-ep038-dixie-jacobs-dj-hostettler-body-futures/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Protonic Reversal Ep037: Dixie Jacobs & DJ Hostettler (Body Futures)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep036: Jon Solomon (WPRB/Comedy Minus One)

[podcast]16702[/podcast] WPRB DJ and Comedy Minus One impressario Jon Solomon joins Protonic Reversal by phone to give a master class in conducting radio shows, preparation and building moods, digging deep on what you love and exactly how one conducts yearly 25 hour straight Christmas special. He also speaks about his current label Comedy Minus One … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep036-jon-solomon-wprbcomedy-minus-one/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep036: Jon Solomon (WPRB/Comedy Minus One)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep035: John Congleton (Producer, the pAperchAse)

[podcast]16640[/podcast] Happy New Year! From Protonic reversal. Neutron and Brenna drag their bedraggled persons into the studio to talk to Mr. John Congleton. Legendary producer and the pAperchAse/Nighty Night Impressario. There is much talk of St. Vincent and Grammys, Explosions in the Sky, Swans, John Darnielle, production process, art by democracy, and such. As well … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep035-john-congleton-producer-the-paperchase/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep035: John Congleton (Producer, the pAperchAse)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep034: Matt Gentling (Archers of Loaf)

(stream and download – Episode 34) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep034__matt_gentling_archers_of_loa.mp3 Stealing Weezer’s sandwiches, rocking with one act plays, and “y’know…” Matt Gentling, the raucous bassplayer of the Archers of Loaf dishes it all. Listen in to him shoot the breeze about working the poles (not what you think!) and what it was like to reconvene Team Loaf after … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep034-matt-gentling-archers-of-loaf/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep034: Matt Gentling (Archers of Loaf)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep033: Josh Hensley / Garth Mason (the rutabega)

(stream and download – Episode 33) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep033__josh_hensley___garth_mason_t.mp3 Conan speaks to Josh and Garth from South Bend, Indiana two piece the rutabega. The only band known to bring hardened noiserockers to tears over their beautiful haunting tunes. The heroes of Thundersnow talk process, filling up space, recording and the impending name change to Josh the Squash. … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep033-josh-hensley-garth-mason-the-rutabega/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep033: Josh Hensley / Garth Mason (the rutabega)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep032: “I Can’t Breathe” music + Talk

(stream and download – Episode 32) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep032___i_cant_breathe__music__talk.mp3 Conan and Brenna get on the air, play some rock tunes and try their best to make sense of a world that just doesn’t seem to make much sense right now. They rock and roll and talk and troll. Facts vs. Frames and a world gone man. Consumerism … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep032-i-cant-breathe-music-talk/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep032: “I Can’t Breathe” music + Talk"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep031: Jason Myers – Author (Exit Here, The Mission, Run the Game, etc.)

(stream and download – Episode 31) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep031__jason_myers_-_author__exit_here__the_mission__run_the_game__etc_.mp3 Author Jason Myers joins us in studio as we talk about Dark night of the soul “nobody cares”, exit here media/jason myers sex theatre, being the 8th page of google, expectations vs results. The inside baseball of being a big time writer and other such things. It’s a … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/150/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep031: Jason Myers – Author (Exit Here, The Mission, Run the Game, etc.)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep030: Love Moon (Chuck Tom, James Lyter, Jordan Martich)

(stream and download – Episode 30) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep030__love_moon_chuck_tom__jordan_martich__james_lyter.mp3 Indiana transplants Love Moon (3/4 of the band Male Bondage) come into the Radio Valencia studios to talk about relocating to the west coast, avocado apps and… potlucks? Additionally there is a lot of talk of Scatman John. Did you know that he overcame adversity? All this… great … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep030-love-moon-chuck-tom-james-lyter-jordan-martich/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep030: Love Moon (Chuck Tom, James Lyter, Jordan Martich)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep029: Enough guests, some nice MUSIC for a change!

(stream and download – Episode 29) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep029__enough_guests__some_nice_music_for_a_change_.mp3 We were going to have the Blind Shake in to the show in person, but it fell apart at the last minute. Whaddya gonna do? We do an election roundup, get deep into some Reading Rainbow/soundboard schtick. Conan rants a bit about garage rock being banal… music is … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep029-enough-guests-some-nice-music-for-a-change/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep029: Enough guests, some nice MUSIC for a change!"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep028: Kevin Burkett (Electrical Guitar Company)

(stream and download – Episode 28 ) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep028__kevn_burkett_electrical_guitar_company.mp3 The Electrical Guitar Company is a world wide purveyor of hand made aluminum necked guitars. Inspired by Travis Bean. Hear us talk to Mr. Burkett about “Not famous or not famous, vs. dick or not a dick”, why he considers EGC a machine shop that make guitars, … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep028-kevin-burkett-electrical-guitar-company/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep028: Kevin Burkett (Electrical Guitar Company)"</span></a></p> [...]

EP027: Rey Washam (Scratch Acid, Rapeman, Ministry)

(stream and download – Episode 27) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep027__rey_washam_rapeman__scratch.mp3 Legendary drummer Rey Washam regales us with tales of playing with everybody from Helios Creed and Rapeman to Ministry and Phantom Planet. Come on an exciting tale of a drummer’s life and hear the highs, the lows and the in betweens. Oh! Also there is a lot of … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep027-rey-washam-scratch-acid-rapeman-ministry/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "EP027: Rey Washam (Scratch Acid, Rapeman, Ministry)"</span></a></p> [...]

Ep026: Colin Frangos (The Loyalists, Hey Hey What doc – The Blind Shake/Michael Yonkers)

(stream and download – Episode 26) http://www.radionope.com/podcasts/protonicreversal/?name=2015-06-29_ep026__colin_frangos_the_loyalists_.mp3 09:00am Ozark Bowtie by Tilts from Tilts (opening theme) 09:04 amYou’re Not Sorry Enough by The Loyalists from First of the Mohicans 8:09am: Wise Mr. Owl by The Blind Shake/Michael Yonkers 8:09am: Go Go 78 by The Blind Shake 8:29am: Microminature Love by Michael Yonkers Band 8:43am: Cold … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://www.protonicreversal.com/ep026-colin-frangos-the-loyalists-hey-hey-what-doc-the-blind-shakemichael-yonkers/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Ep026: Colin Frangos (The Loyalists, Hey Hey What doc – The Blind Shake/Michael Yonkers)"</span></a></p> [...]