Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal

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Ep010: Jeff Moody (Stripwax, FoWlMouTh)


Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

<section class="post-body"> <p>Remote broadcast from the heart of the midwest, Conan talks to national treasure Jeff Moody about rock ‘n roll themed 4 panel comic strips, music, starting a a band as an “old MF-er” the pain of losing a bandmate and all things awesome. This, PRF BBQ Chicago wrap up and lots more great music.</p> <p>00:00:00 Tilts – Ozark Bowtie (Opening Theme)<br />00:05:30 Dead Rider – Weird Summer<br />00:09:42 Like LIke The The The Death – Night of a Hundred Hondos<br />00:12:02 Minutes – Raise Our Fists Up<br />00:14:14 Nonagon – Vikings</p> <p>00:21:39 SEMINARS – Sweat Feels Like Blood<br />00:25:04 Hurry Up Shotgun – Garbage Destinations</p> <p>00:32:20 We Ride On – Plastic Vampire Teeth<br />00:34:01 Death – Rock-N-Roll Victim<br />00:36:39 Motherfucker – Snot Rocket</p> <p>00:39:27 Jeff Moody interview</p> <p>01:31:57 FoWlMoUth – Wannadon’t<br />01:34:39 rutabega – Out Of The Woods And Into The Light<br />01:42:05 Happy Fangs – The Truth<br />01:44:46 The Bismarck – Breadwinner<br />Shellac – The End of Radio (closing theme)</p> </section> <div class="spacer"> </div> <p>Comments Off<span class="screen-reader-text"> on Ep010: Jeff Moody (Stripwax, FoWlMouTh)</span></p>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 286 MB - Duration: 1:59:09m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)

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