Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal

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Ep015: Todd Rittmann (Dead Rider, U.S. Maple)


Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

<p>We talk to Todd Rittmann about hats, inspiration and perspiration and Jim Belushi books. Academic deconstruction and more!</p> <blockquote> <p>00:00:00 Tilts – Ozark Bowtie (Opening Theme)</p> <p>00:04:26 Motherfucker – Dot Dot Dot<br />00:07:19 Minutes – Raise Our Fists Up</p> <p>00:09:27 Returning pets, getting old, etc.</p> <p>00:17:02 New China – Bad Teacher<br />00:19:00: Dead Rider – Blank S(c)reen</p> <p>00:24:17 Dead Rider tour dates announce, why Conan doesn’t like Spotify or use it.<br />Being friends with the idea of Conan.</p> <p>00:31:02 US Maple – Letter To ZZ Top<br />00:34:06 Todd Rittmann of Dead Rider and U.S. Maple on the air, in a van… on the way to Houston Having Thymme Jones in the band, what is Dead Rider listening to on tour, The possibility of a U.S. Maple reunion, academic deconstructions or not, etc. Conan’s “Jim Belushi book story”</p> <p>01:07:26 Dead Rider – The Walk Slow<br />01:10:13 Dead Rider – Of One Thousand</p> <p>01:13:19 Sound Opinions sucks, there’s a new Morrisey album, Conan needs to be more inappropriate, some coffee talk with Real Time Drop<br />01:20:03 The Bismarck – Fake Tits, Real Assholes<br />01:22:30 The Austerity Program – Song 31<br />01:24:57 Commentary tracks on commercials “What song should Ryan Christopher Parks of B. Hamilton cover – finalist round”</p> <p>01:52:01: by Shellac – The End of Radio (closing theme)</p> </blockquote>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 115 MB - Duration: 2:00:02m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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