Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal

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Ep022: Jon Illum and Evan Gritzon (Lords of Sealand)


Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

<p>Evan and Jon from Lords of Sealand come into the studio to speak about Found Fiction their new ep/lp. Additionally Conan paraphrases the “mclusky” benefit rather ineptly, there is talk of viewmasters, flavored coffee, lyrics and profitsharing systems, the spotted dick and Bono sneaking music onto iphones. DJ ambitious wordplay suggests you give it a listen.</p> <blockquote> <p>00:00:00 Tilts – Ozark Bowtie</p> <p>Intro</p> <p>00:06:26 christian fitness – aghast, anon, anew<br />00:09:42 shellac – dude incredible</p> <p>00:15:38 Feeling Gravity’s Pull – The Committee to Keep Death Permanent</p> <p>00:18:44 Talk with Evan Gritzon and Jon Illum from Lords of Sealand<br />Conan paraphrases the “mclusky” benefit rather ineptly, nostalgia, etc. Scottish independence.<br />The wrath of Con, “giving this ‘record thing’ up’. The Crux vs. Big Crux, viewmasters, etc.<br />The story behind “found fiction”.</p> <p>Jon Illum</p> <p>00:42:19 Lords of Sealand – Salty Gear<br />00:45:42 Lords of Sealand – Architect</p> <p>00:48:07 back with Evan and Jon, Conan steals Brenna’s headphones. Musical takes on things, Lords of Sealand is hard to describe. Storytelling Forest Rock?, Evan rejects Conan’s description completely. Flavored coffee. Lyrics and profitsharing systems, charity, etc. Bloodhag and libraries, recording in isolation</p> <p>01:04:45 Lords of Sealand – King With No Hands<br />01:09:29 Burn Permits – The Jerk<br />01:12:12 Dead Rider – New Eyes</p> <p>01:14:55 palpableness and the spotted dick, heard at a renfest, Jon spotted dick exclusive<br />skit tracks, people still love the “idea of Conan” on Spotify, Bono sneaking U2 songs onto iphones</p> <p>01:39:15 The Book-Burners – Come Home<br />01:43:05 Lords of Sealand – Brittle Bones</p> <p>01:46:56 Hitting the post-post, DJ Ambitious Wordplay, Camus. plugs and wrap up.</p> <p>01:52:00 Shellac – The End of Radio<br />01:52:59 Surprise post show call from Torrey Neutron</p> </blockquote>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 284 MB - Duration: 1:58:33m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)

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