Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal

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Ep026: Colin Frangos (The Loyalists, "Hey Hey What" Blind Shake/Michael Yonkers Documentary)


Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

<p>Colin Frangos of the band the Loyalists comes in and talks about his new documentary “Hey Hey What” about the legendary Michael Yonkers and his collaboration/recordings with the mighty band/force of nature The Blind Shake. Many PR exclusives and great tunes, and DJ Real Time Drop has an on air “dark night of the soul” about SF residency.</p> <p> </p> <p>09:00am Ozark Bowtie by Tilts from Tilts (opening theme)</p> <p>09:04 amYou’re Not Sorry Enough by The Loyalists from First of the Mohicans</p> <p>8:09am: Wise Mr. Owl by The Blind Shake/Michael Yonkers</p> <p>8:09am: Go Go 78 by The Blind Shake</p> <p>8:29am: Microminature Love by Michael Yonkers Band</p> <p>8:43am: Cold Town by Michael Yonkers and the Blind Shake</p> <p>8:53am: carbo hydro by Michael Yonkers and the Blind Shake from period</p> <p>8:57am: I Myself by Michael Yonkers and the Blind Shake from period</p> <p>9:22am: Garbage on Glue (live) by The Blind Shake</p> <p>9:26am: starry eyes (live) by The Blind Shake</p> <p>9:46am: Radon Detector by The Blind Shake</p> <p>9:49am: Talk to Me by The Blind Shake</p> <p>9:51am: End of Radio by Shellac from Excellent Italian Greyhound </p>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 115 MB - Duration: 2:00:03m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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