The finest interview/discussion show on music and musicians that mean a whole hell of a lot to certain people. Why we do what we do?, Rocker ennui, amusing anecdotes, process and context
RSS iTunes2014-10-27
Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal
<p>Legendary drummer Rey Washam regales us with tales of playing with everybody from Helios Creed and Rapeman to Ministry and Phantom Planet. Come on an exciting tale of a drummer’s life and hear the highs, the lows and the in betweens. Oh! Also there is a lot of talk of Spoonman by Soundgarden early in the show for some reason.</p> <p>Music played:</p> <blockquote> <p>Legendary drummer Rey Washam regales us with tales of playing with everybody from Helios Creed and Rapeman to Ministry and Phantom Planet. Come on an exciting tale of a drummer’s life and hear the highs, the lows and the in betweens. Oh! Also there is a lot of talk of Spoonman by Soundgarden early in the show for some reason.</p> <p>8:00am: Ozark Bowtie by Tilts from Tilts (Opening Theme)</p> <p>Welcome, intro… spoon man talk… whatever.</p> <p>8:06am: Owner’s Lament by Scratch Acid from The Greatest Gift</p> <p>8:11am: Steak & Black Onions by Rapeman<br />8:23am: Cannibal by Scratch Acid from The Greatest Gift<br />8:26am: Sister Sarah by Helios Creed from Boxing the Clown</p> <p>Interview with Rey Washam</p> <p>9:43am: Trouser Minnow by Rapeman from Two Nuns and a Pack Mule<br />9:48am: Repo Man by Dope Body<br />9:52am: The End of Radio by Shellac (Closing Theme)</p> </blockquote>
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