Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal

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Ep028: Kevin Burkett (Electrical Guitar Company)


Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal

<p>The Electrical Guitar Company is a world wide purveyor of hand made aluminum necked guitars. Inspired by Travis Bean. Hear us talk to Mr. Burkett about “Not famous or not famous, vs. dick or not a dick”, why he considers EGC a machine shop that make guitars, the Melvins and Katy Perry And why If you want to get emotional and slam your sh**, he’ll fix it, All this plus premiers by Survival Knife, The Gary and New Cowboy Builders.</p> <blockquote> <p>Ozark Bowtie by Tilts from Tilts</p> <p>Henry Don’t Get Love by Le Butcherettes from Sin Sin Sin<br />King Corky by Nonagon from The Last Hydonaut</p> <p>Ms. DNA by Roomrunner from Seperate<br />Coming Up For Air by The Gary from Farewell Foolish Objects</p> <p>Interview with Kevin Burkett:</p> <p>Art school kids vs machinists, Sympathy between syphillis & suicide… Forklifts and carcasses. “I’ll be damned. It worked.”</p> <p>Thud of the Jackboot by Survival Knife from Survivalized<br />Black Moses by New Cowboy Builders</p> <p>End of Radio (Closing Theme) by Shellac from Excellent Italian Greyhound</p> </blockquote>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 116 MB - Duration: 2:01:16m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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