The finest interview/discussion show on music and musicians that mean a whole hell of a lot to certain people. Why we do what we do?, Rocker ennui, amusing anecdotes, process and context
RSS iTunes2017-10-26
Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal
It's time for a FREEWHEELING episode of Protonic Reversal! Conan and Josh have guests live in the studio: the most excellent Milwaukee band Fox Face! Hear such seemingly endless digressions such as: -Josh's mic antics -Fox Face meets Dirtnap -Rock 'n' roll maternity leave -Conan's most relaxing episode ever -Banana and the Handplant -the garage rock scene...? -Magick? Like from the X-Men? -Lindsey watching the Craft a bunch -Always dicking on purpose -Following a songwriting path -Is Britney Spears listening right now? -The long history of Fox Face and its members -The (not really) fairweather drummer -Heterogeneity within genres and being classed as a "girl band" -Fox Face's shock at having a web site -Tour talk -Writing lyrics in a Trump world -Mary's two-drink stage banter -Favorite bands in the world scene -The Mundane Epiphany -Tectonics talk -Fantasy show lineups, but achievable -Operation: Mind Spiders -The thing you play in the van that everyone else hates -An extended discussion of Christian rock -Conan digs deep to identify the annoying Aerosmith songs -Kyle Motor's cute cat -The asset of a sympathetic engineer -Being a parent and continuing to be creative This episode is very silly, but it's very fun, and Fox Face is one of our very favorites. Enjoy! Fox Face - Clever Girl Fox Face - Nasty Woman Fox Face - Hiawatha Shellac - The End of Radio (Closing Theme)
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