The finest interview/discussion show on music and musicians that mean a whole hell of a lot to certain people. Why we do what we do?, Rocker ennui, amusing anecdotes, process and context
RSS iTunes2019-10-16
Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal
It’s long overdue! But Greg Saunier of the mighty Deerhoof is finally on Protonic Reversal! -Blueberry tea. -San Francisco then vs. now and various tech stories. -Music scenes where everybody participates -Deerhoof finding it’s audience, an audience that likes to be surprised. -Corporations consolidating music together. -Greg and Conan talk about the early beginnings of Deerhoof. -Halfbird -Major label sell outs being an anachronism. -George Horn and mastering the crazy first Deerhoof 7″ for Kill Rock Stars -Satomi joining the band after only being in America a few weeks. -Brief forays into politics. -The complete lack of “development” in music now, and it’s vitality to Deerhoof becoming it’s thing. -tourin’ tourin’ tourin’, at medium sized places around the world. -Spotify and the gross insustainability of things that “seem like the future” but benefit everybody but the artist. -Underground and independent spaces worldwide! -Ed and John. -John’s pickup soccer games. -Political stances in 2019. Also be sure to check out part 2 and part 3!
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