Brenna and Conan get a surprise call from Sardinia (!) from Max of Confrontational. Pretty cool! Also music and laughs and such.
8:00am: Casually Intense (Opening theme) by Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends from The Enemy of Everyone
8:06am: Bury Our Friends by Sleater-Kinney from No Cities to Love
8:09am: Sea Saw by Swami John Reis and the Blind Shake from Modern Surf Classics8:30am: The Gold Chair Ate The Fire Man by Le Butcherettes from Cry is For the Flies
8:35am: Territorial Pissings (Devonshire remixes) by Nirvana from Nevermind
8:37am: The Call by Thoughts Detecting Machines from Work The Circuits8:58am: Psychopath by St. Vincent from St. Vincent
9:01am: Dreamcrusher by SEMINARS from Dreamcrusher9:03am: Very Ape by Nirvana from In Utereo
9:11am: For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) by AC/DC from For Those About to Rock We Salute You9:42am: California by Low from The Great Destroyer
9:46am: Raw Nights by Happy Fangs from Capricorn9:54am: The End of Radio (Closing Theme) by Shellac from Excellent Italian Greyhound